The legendary queen of television comedy, Lucille Ball, is joined by her real-life children, Lucie Arnaz and Desi Arnaz Jr., in her third long-running sitcom success. Ball plays Lucille Carter, widowed mother of teenagers Kim and Craig. Lucy works for her brother-in-law Harry, played by Gale Gordon, who owns Carter’s Unique Employment Agency, leading Lucy into endless predicaments and hilarious hijinks.
Featured episodes:
Lucy & The Great Airport Chase
Lucy Meets The Burtons
Lucy & Mannix Are Held Hostage
Lucy Goes On Her Last Blind Date
Lucy& Joan Rivers Do Jury Duty
Lucy Is N.G. As An R.N.
Lucy & Joe Namath
Featured episodes:
Lucy & The Great Airport Chase
Lucy Meets The Burtons
Lucy & Mannix Are Held Hostage
Lucy Goes On Her Last Blind Date
Lucy& Joan Rivers Do Jury Duty
Lucy Is N.G. As An R.N.
Lucy & Joe Namath